Equal Rights: Women's Rights


     Feminism is the belief in equal rights and opportunities, in organized activity, in support of women’s rights and interests, and also in the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.

     What if women did not have the same rights as everyone else? What if there was a stereotype that women had to follow? Should a wife stay at home and take care of the children while her husband is out there working? These are all questions that women asked during the women’s Suffrage Movement. At the beginning of this movement, women did not have the same rights as their husbands or other men. Ladies had to follow a stereotype of being a teacher or nurse and once married staying home, taking care of the children and keeping the home in order while their husbands went to work. But as women began to breakout of their stereotypical shells, the world began to slowly accept that women and their environment were changing.

     As a woman, I am so thankful because there are so many projects the government does to promote equal rights and equal opportunities for every one especially women. And as a Filipino, we are very grateful for all rights and privileges we have received in our world. One very important right we have received would be that everyone, no matter color, gender, or race, are treated equally.



  1. Women should be treated fairly but we should also consider a man's rights.


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