Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and become more, you are a leader. Being a leader is both an honor and responsibility. Being a good leader is difficult, you have to deal with the issues in your country. You need to mingle with the people around you. You need to understand and serve them.
I'm Mariane. A simple student from Ilocos Sur National High School, and I am writing you today to share my thoughts about the proper waste disposal. Most of us doesn't how to throw our garbage   properly. We throw them everywhere and maybe that is the reason why there are so many environmental problems in our country. It is important how you carry out waste disposal. In today's world where population is on the rise and so is rapid industrialization, creation of waste material is a common phenomenon.  I hope you will notice my simple letter because it is for the sake of our country.

Hopefully you will be able to do an action on our problem. Hope you will get read this open letter, words and heart; and that my noble intentions would somehow merit your kind consideration and understanding. Thank you and may God bless the Philippines under you leadership.

Respectfully yours,
Mariane Hazel Palomares
