Daghang Salamat Mr. President

  The third State of the Nation Address was delivered on Monday, July 23, 2018. In it, President Duterte presented his achievements and outlined his priorities for this fiscal year. The SONA 2018, upon reading the full text, my eye stopped on the part "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives", "You worry about the present, I worry about the future" and "I value friendship but it has its limit".

     Dry Heart and my mind impressed on the message "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives" this shows our life is still the priority of all any rights, despite of the issues about the judicial killing because of drugs.  President Duterte proved that he is concern to every single person in Philippines. The second message that keep on my mind is  "You worry about the present, I worry about the future" I do agree with, I believe future is more important than the present. If you are sacrificing at the present, it's because we all want a better future. The third one was "I value friendship but it has its limit". Friendship is significant but always remember its limit. Always go to the good side, even when he/she is your friend. If it is wrong, consider it as wrong.

     At this point, I would like to say that it was the best SONA of our president. I really appreciate all the topics that have been discussed even though I'm not familiar with the other topics. All of the topics are so Interesting. I'm looking forward for more progress and development of our country.



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