Coming together with those furthest behind build an inclusive world of universal rights and dignity

     War and peace are the two natural instincts. The United Nations (UN) is one of the most important international organizations to ever be assembled. Since it was founded after the end of World War II in 1945 to replace its predecessor, the League of Nations, the UN has strived to maintain world peace and facilitate cooperation in solving international problems. Without the watch of the UN, many more international issues between states would have ended in serious conflicts and numerous human rights violations would have occurred throughout the world.
     Human beings should be able to lead a life within society that reflects their common values and aspirations, in spite of differences and inequalities. This ethical stance requires us to find new prospects for inclusion and participation in order to advance opportunities for all people and reduce the gaps between individuals and groups. The purpose of pursuing and establishing civil, political, economic and social rights is to preserve and promote human dignity, in all its aspects and dimensions. This means that the issue of human rights is not limited to legal issues but is directly related to social justice. The UN has proven to be very successful in meeting its goals since its inception
     Overall, the United Nations is an extreme accomplishment of humankind, brings progress,and must never be disband. We have seen the U.N. evolve from strictly anti war to also being thelargest human rights organization planet Earth has ever enjoyed. Therefore, as citizens of theworld, consumed in our daily lives, many of the U.N.’s efforts and accomplishments go unno-ticed. They work everyday for that very goal of us simply being able to be consumed by our per-sonal stresses and lives, verses the alternative of a massive world war consuming the planet, andending humanity. Finally, I thank and admire the United Nations for have made the world, day by day, safer and more liberated than when they began.
