My mother, my greatest teacher.

As we all know, that Teachers are the backbone of country as they dedicate their whole life to make us educated and good human being. Without their efforts and hard work, we can’t imagine us and our country as successful as it is right now. I am so grateful for having those teachers especially my mom.

     Who has the biggest influence on my life? While I have learnt from many great teachers, the greatest and the most influential of all is my mother. One thing I remember the most of my mother is that she never let hard times dictate her life and the future of her children. Instead, she always believes that however tough life is, a rainbow will always appear after the storm. I grew up watching my mother work hard day and night. Being a elementary school teacher, she provided us with all the necessities. Hard work is a great investment that never fails. She taught me to never give up. When I struggled with physical and emotional problems, she was always there to give the support and motivation I needed.

     As we know that we can never pay a teacher’s favour that he has given by making us educated person, responsible citizen of nation and a good human being in life but we can thank them by celebrating Teacher’s Day in such manner that they can feel proud on us. My mother is my greatest teacher, a teacher of love and compassion. I cannot thank you enough for what you have taught me. You are my teacher and will always be my hero.
