Technology for Innovators

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

     Science, technology and innovation played a major role in building great nations, spreading global modernization and shaping the world where we live.
Science is the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world through systematic observation and experiments. Through science, we develop new technologies. That technology can then be used to advance our scientific knowledge as well.

     The Pearl of the Orient is a homeland of gifted, intellectual and talented individuals, so we are not underdogs in terms of brilliance and ideas. But intelligence is not the only thing we need to make Philippines an innovative country. If we try to look at the famous innovators, their ace is not their brains but their courage and persistence. They were able to take risks, even with their reputation and money at stake, and that pushed them toward success.

     The National Science Club aims to focus on giving importance to Michael Faraday’s discovery of electricity and magnetism as part of the same phenomenon (electromagnetism), which is now the cornerstone of human technological advancements that brought significant changes in the world until today, and even upcoming changes in the future. The theme also assigns to the youth and Science clubbers the responsibility or role of accentuating potentials and activating technological advancements. 
