Reflection (3rd Quarter)

     ICT is a very important tool that our generation is fortunate enough to use. ICT is very useful to us but if not used properly, it might give us some negative outcome. In the span of about  2-3 months, I’ve learned so much about ICT and how it helps out our society.

     At first, I don't find those topics interested but as the days passes by, i learned how to love those topics and knowing the importance of those. Knowing the importance and use of them. First, is the HTML tags, An HTML tag is a special word or letter surrounded by angle brackets, < and >. You use tags to create HTML elements , such as paragraphs or links. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

     The first week of this unit I had a mix of emotions, excitement and stress . The topics covered each week have giving me the opportunity to increase my knowledge in many areas. I also encounter challenges especially in making my own webpage but by the help of others especially my teacher, I finished it correct. 


  1. I agree that ICT is an important tool that we can use. Keep on going forward, Mariane!


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