The whole world celebrates New Year with great fervour and zest. This day has a special relevance for people. People belonging to different walks of life welcoming New Year in their own hearty ways. Welcoming the New Year with new me.  I think last new year was great, but this one is the best. 

     When the new year comes around it seems like the perfect time for self-improvement. Each year around the world millions of people make a list of their New Year’s Resolutions and hope the new year will bring those changes. My first resolution was to make my self better in any aspect of life. My second resolution of the new year is to get better in school especially in Math class because that’s the hardest subject i have . I want to do better in everything , such as projects tests , homework , class work and my behaviour in class . And this 2019, i want to prioritize my self first before others. Because I tottaly believe that when you love yourself more,  things will simply become lighter and easier. If you put yourself first, I promise you’ll be happier.

     Getting in the mindset of making myself happier instead of trying to do that for someone else is really stress relieving. I hate to say this but really new year new me, and that's a plan to keep. The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.

